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Proposal Form ( Edited; Final) by Farhana

Lower Secondary Science Research Project
Proposal Form

Group Name: Small Fries Class: 1B
Name of Group Members:

  • Farhana Bte Md. Thair
  • 'Alinurbi Bte Ahmad Jaffar Jawhir
  • Dinah Amirah
  • Vikki Lim

Project Title: Chemistry

Problem Question: How do different types of fertilizers affect the way plants grow?

Hypothesis: Potassium increases the plant growth rate as compared to the other fertilizers.

Web-Address (URL) of Project Blog: smallfrieseatingplants.blogspot.com

Expected date of research completion: End of module 6

Project Mentor: Mr Kwok


  • 4 Similar Containers with Equal amounts of water
  • 4 of the water plants from school
  • Phosphate, Potassium and Nitrate Fertilizers (diluted ones)
Experimental Procedure Setup:
  1. Set up the containers with equal amount of water and 1 water plant in the science laboratory.
  2. Put the diluted Phosphate fertilizer in 1st pot, the diluted Nitrate fertilizer in the 2nd container, and the diluted Potassium fertilizer in the 3rd container and leave the 4th container alone with not fertilizer. ( Note: The 4th container is the control station )
  3. When the water in the containers dry up, refill.
  4. Observe the growth of the plants daily until 1 plant is fully grown.
  5. Compare the growth of the plants and make conclusion.
Changed Variable: The type of fertilizers

Dependent Variable: The growth of the water plant.

Controlled Variable ( Constant ): Amount of water in the container, Amount of fertilizers, Location of pots and size of pots.