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Update ; Farhana
I am sorry but I can't go out of my home. Dinah is going to print the Proposal Form but if I am not wrong, I actually saved the Proposal Form in my work space at school. So hmmm... Well, anyways I think if we were to explain to Mr Goh that we just printed a new one out and I blablabla to him, he would understand and let us continue with just the proposal form and without Mr Kwok's signature, I hope. I am sorry guys. I'll TRY to get well as soon as possible.
By the way, our plants are DEAD. So our group's solution is to get new ones. We've decided on the amount of fertilizers already. 'Alinurbi suggested 50ml or 30ml but I thought maybe 30ml would do the job because so far, I've been reading a lot on fertilizers and playing a lot of farm games in the internet [ which is ridiculous ] but it's just for the feel of farming, but anyways, we don't need to put A HUGE AMOUNT, but if we see the 30ml is not enough, or maybe too much, we could adjust.
Hope to hear from you guys soon; Farhana
Update ; Farhana
I am sorry but I can't go out of my home. Dinah is going to print the Proposal Form but if I am not wrong, I actually saved the Proposal Form in my work space at school. So hmmm... Well, anyways I think if we were to explain to Mr Goh that we just printed a new one out and I blablabla to him, he would understand and let us continue with just the proposal form and without Mr Kwok's signature, I hope. I am sorry guys. I'll TRY to get well as soon as possible.
By the way, our plants are DEAD. So our group's solution is to get new ones. We've decided on the amount of fertilizers already. 'Alinurbi suggested 50ml or 30ml but I thought maybe 30ml would do the job because so far, I've been reading a lot on fertilizers and playing a lot of farm games in the internet [ which is ridiculous ] but it's just for the feel of farming, but anyways, we don't need to put A HUGE AMOUNT, but if we see the 30ml is not enough, or maybe too much, we could adjust.
Hope to hear from you guys soon; Farhana
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Layout: Mary
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We are the Small Fries!
Project Title : How do different fertilizers affect the way plants grow?
 Adopted Trees.