Plant [f].
Plant [a].
These are the plants that were put closest to window and could receive effecient amount of sunlight.
Observations on Plant [a] and [f] :
- Both plants are quite in a good condition.
- Water is quite clean.
Plants [d] and [v] respectively.This was how Plants [d] and [v] were arranged. The results of where Plants [d] and [v] were put are..
Here! It is definitely in a bad condition than Plants [a] and [f].
This is Plant [d] by the way. It was put the FURTHEST from the window among all of the plants.
Plant [v]. It is not as bad as Plant [d] as it was put by the window BUT covered a little bit by the curtains.
Observations on Plant [d] and [v] :
- The water in the containers were dirtier and filthier.
- The plants did not have a good colour.
- Plant [d] was in the WORST condition as it did not receive enough sunlight.
Since all of the plants were dead, we got new plants.
Now, all that is left to do is to make the CHEMICAL fertilizers.
There are three types of chemical fertilizers and they are :
- Nitrogen (n)
- Potassium (k)
- Phosphate (p)
These 3 chemicals are called 'salt' in chemistry. According to Mr Goh, in chemistry, chemicals like the above are called 'salt'.
The things that will be given to us are :
1. Nitrogen > ammonium nitrate
2. Potassium > potassium chloride
3. Phosphate > sodium phosphate
We will be given 1g of each (1, 2 and 3). We need to dissolve 1g of each salt in 1litre of water. And there you go! The fertilizers. These types of fertilizer are called IN-ORGANIC fertilizers.
There is still something we need to decide on. We will discuss this tomorrow. I guess that's all.
Oh! We will need 1litre bottles. Only 3 of them.