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farhana ; update


Today the small fries are going to meet up and yes, we're finally starting after all the challenges we've faced. We'll update this blog later after we check out our plants.

Oh yes, regarding Alin's post, I'll need to explain something just in case in confuses any of the readers. Our group has decided that each of the member would be in-charge of a plant, that way we all have something to do. Since we've decided on that, EVERY MEMBER IS IMPORTANT. We thought it would be easier that each of us concentrates on our assigned plants so as to avoid confusion. Since there's 4 members and 4 plants, it makes things easier.

So plant [a] is 'Alinurbi's.
Plant [d] is Dinah's.
Plant [f] is mine, Farhana's
& last but not least plant [v] is Vikki's.