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this is the small fries blog on our science project .
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notice ; dinah
Hello small fries ! :D So very sorry I had to leave early just now but really, you all did well though. Farhana's update tells so. If there is a meet-up today, I won't be able to make it cause I'll be visiting my relative who's hospitalized recently. I will be available on friday however.
notice ; dinah
Hello small fries ! :D So very sorry I had to leave early just now but really, you all did well though. Farhana's update tells so. If there is a meet-up today, I won't be able to make it cause I'll be visiting my relative who's hospitalized recently. I will be available on friday however.
do leave us some comments :D
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By post:
Farhana ; Update [ 10 th June 2009 ]
farhana ; update
update ; alin
Update ; Farhana
regarding going to lab ; vikki
arrangement ; alin
arrangement ; alin
update ; vikki
Farhana ; Research
Forum Discussion ; Farhana
By month:
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
other groups.
Rough Brains
Groovy Brainz
Young Scientists
Science Brainiac
4 Scientist
Chemistry Geeks
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
We are the Small Fries!
Project Title : How do different fertilizers affect the way plants grow?
 Adopted Trees.