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update ; vikki
23rd June update :
Today's work
- Filled up control set up with 150ml each of potassium, nitrate and phosphate as the water was running out.
- Measured the length of new section and number of shoots for each plant set up.
- We need to make more liquid fertiliser as its running out.
Plant [a] - Control setup with all 3 fertilisers. Length of new section -> 3.5cm Number of shoots -> 4 *one shoot died.
- Plant [d] - Nitrate + Potassium
Length of new section -> 1cm Number of shoots -> 6
- Plant [v] - Nitrate + Phosphate
Length of new section -> 3.5cm Number of shoots -> 8 *one shoot died
- Plant [f] - Potassium + Phosphate
Length of new section -> 3.3cm Number of shoots -> 6 *one shoot died
- Plant [s] - Control setup with no fertiliser
Length of new section -> 3cm No of shoots -> 9
Signing off, Vikki
NEWS FLASH ; farhana
Hey guys!
I've got bad news! The lab would only be available for us until 26th ! So we'll have to make our conclusion by then.
The lab's not opened on 24th. But it'll be open 25th from 9am to 11.30am. We have to meet ASAP! But I have training during that time. So how!?
We are Doomed right? Well but we've done enough observations already.
WE HAVE TO MEET UP, real soon.
update ; alin & farhana
Here are how the plants are doing. 19June2009
Plant A [control]
Length of new section --> 5.50cm [grew 1.50cm] Number of new shoot --> 4
Growth : 1.50cm
Plant D
Length of the new section --> 4.60cm Number of new shoots --> 3
Growth : -
Plant V
Length of the new section --> 4.50cm Number of new shoots --> 5
Growth : -
Plant F
Length of the new section --> 4.90cm Number of new shoots --> 4
Growth : -
Plant S
Length of the new section --> 2.00cm Number of new shoots --> 6
Growth : -
Conclusion of THE DAY:
Plant A is growing the most.
22nd June 2009
We started a new week and took measurements of other shoots this week. We would change every week.
 Small Fries [a], containing all 3 fertilizers. Length of new section ---> 2.5cm Number of new shoots ---> 4 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 1cm  Small Fries [d], containing Nitrate and Potassium only. Length of the new section ---> 1.4cm Number of new shoots ---> 5 Length of the youngest shoot --->0.6cm
Small Fries [v], containing Nitrate and Phosphate only. Length of the new section ---> 3.2cm Number of new shoots ---> 9 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.5cm (There is some green stuff at the side of the water.)
Small Fries [f], containing Phosphate and Potassium only. Length of the new section ---> 2.8cm Number of new shoots ---> 5 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.9cm
Small Fries [s], containing water only. Length of the new section ---> 1.6cm Number of new shoots ---> 8 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.4cm conclusion of THE DAAAAY: Small Fries [v] grew the most.
A L I N & F A R H A N a
update ; Farhana
Lately SmallFries have been really busy. My phone is spoilt and I can't upload pictures but I'll just update first, pictures later.
15TH JUNE 2009
After much thinking, Smallfries decided we would be efficient by counting the amount of new shoots, taking down the length of one new shoot each week and measure the length of the new section. What is a new section? A new section is like a stem but it would end up growing into a new shoot. That way, it would be easier for us to make our conclusion.
Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)
-Added 150ml of Nitrate & Potassium each for the plant
Height of youngest Shoot : 2.2cm Length of new section (if any) : 1.7cm. New Shoot(s) : 3.
Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!) - Added 150 ml of Nitrate & Phosphate each for the plant
Height Of Youngest Shoot: 2cm Length of new section (if any) : 7mm New shoot(s): 4 [ One more coming soon! There is actually another new shoot but it is dead due to damage while plantation]
Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!) -Added 150ml Potassium & Phosphate each for the plant
Height of youngest shoot: 3.3cm Length of new section (if any) : 5mm New shoots: 2 [ One more coming soon! There is actually another shoot but it's dead due to damage]
Container S ( Water Only! No Fertilisers!) -Added 150ml of Water
Height of Youngest Shoot: 1.5cm Length of new section (if any) : 2.9cm New Shoots : 5
Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!) -Did not top up.
Height of youngest shoot: 1cm Length of new section (if any) : - New Shoots: 3
We continued with our project.
Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.6cm [ grew 4mm! ] Presence of a new section(if any) : 3.2cm [ grew 15mm! ] New shoots: 3
Growth > 19mm
Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.4cm [ grew 4mm! ] Length of new section(if any) : 1.6cm [ grew 9mm! ] New Shoots : 5 [ additional one more ! ]
Growth > 13mm + new shoot
Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 4.4cm [ grew 11mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : 1.6cm [ grew 11mm! ] New Shoots : 3 [ Additional 1 more! ]
Growth > 22mm + new shoot
Container S ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 1.7cm [ grew 2mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : 3.9cm [ grew 10mm] New Shoots: 5
Growth > 12mm
Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 1.3cm [grew 3mm] Length of new section (if any) : - New Shoots: 3
Growth > 3mm
Conclusion of the day : F grew the most while A grew the least.
Arrangement from fastest growing to slowest : A,S,V,D,F! [ A & S not really important ]
THUS , Potassium slows down the rate of growth, Phosphate increases growth of plants like Nitrate but Nitrate increases the growth even more.
18THJUNE2009 Smallfries resumed project.
Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 3.6cm [ grew 10mm! ] Presence of a new section(if any) : 4.6cm [ grew 14mm! ] New shoots: 3 (2 more coming soon!)
Growth > 24mm
Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 3.4cm [ grew 10mm! ] Length of new section(if any) : 4.5cm [ grew 29mm! ] New Shoots : 5 [ 2 more coming ! ]
Growth > 39mm
Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 4.6cm [ grew 2mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : 4.9cm [ grew 33mm! ] New Shoots : 4 [ Additional 1 more! ]
Growth > 35mm + new shoot
Container S ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.5cm [ grew 8mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : Previous Section has grown into a new shoot & there is a new one that is 2cm long. New Shoots: 6 [ additional 1 more! ]
Growth > 8mm + new shoot + new section
Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.6cm [grew 13mm] Length of new section (if any) : 4cm New Shoots: 4 [additional 1 more! ] Growth > 17mm + new shoot
Conclusion of the day : F & V grew at about the same rate while S grew the least.
Arrangement from fastest growing to slowest :S, A, D, F, V [ A & S not really important ]
THUS : Phosphate slows down the rate of growing, Nitrate increases the rate of growing but Potassium increases the growth rate even more.
update ; alin
Sorry for the very very very late update again. I'll update on last Thursday.
Plant [a] which is the control (n + k + p) on the left. Plant [d] which is (n + k) on tht right.  Plant [v] which is (n + p) on the left. Plant [f] which is (k + p) on the left. Photo of control (water).
Proposal Form ( New ; Final) by Farhana
Lower Secondary Science Research Project Proposal Form
Group Name ; Small Fries Class ; 1 B! Name Of Group Members ;
- Farhana
- Dinah
- 'Alinurbi
- Vikki
Project Title ; Chemistry Problem Question ; How Do Different Fertilizers Affect The Way Plants Grow? Hypothesis ; Potassium Would Increase The Plant's Growth Rate As Compared To Other Fertilizers. Web-Address ( Url ) Of Project Blog: www.smallfrieseatingplants.blogspot.com Expect Date Of Reasearch Completion: ___________________. Project Mentor : Mr. Kwok
Apparatus & Meterials Needed ;
- 5 Water Plants
- 5 Containers
- Equal amount of water
- 150 ml of Nitrogen [n]
- 150 ml of Phosphate [p]
- 150 ml of Potassium [k]
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Electronic Balance
- Three 1.5 litre bottles
- Two droppers
- Measuring Cylinder
- Beaker
- Hankerchief
Experimental Proedure Setup ;
- Fill 1 litre of water into three 1.5 litre bottle respectively.
- Get a Electronic Balance and put 1gram of Nitrate into a beaker with the magnet inside.
- Add 1 litre of water into the beaker from the 3 bottles.
- Put the beaker on the Magnetic Stirrer and let it do it's job. [ Stop when the fertilizer dissolves into the water.
- Pour the solution back into the bottle.
- Repeat steps 2 to 5 for the other 2 fertilizers.
- Get 5 water plants which has small ones growing.
- Put them into 5 different containers of the same size.
- Label the containers & bottles. Label 1 - 5 for the Containers & for the bottles, label the Fertilizer that is in it.
- Pour fertilizers this way: Container 1 - 150 ml of [n] & 150ml of [k] , Container 2 - 150ml of [n] & 150ml of [p], Container 3 - 150 ml of [k] & 150 ml of [p], Container 4 - 150 ml of [n] , 150 ml of [p] & 150 ml of [k] & Container 5 - No Fertiliers, just 300 ml of water.
- Leave the plants somewhere where there's sunlight.
- Observe for 4 weeks & Record Observation
Changed Variable - Type of Fertilizers Dependant Vairable - The growth of the young plants. Controlled Variable ( Constants ) - Amount of fertilizers, Amount of water, Location, Type of plants, Containers.
notice ; dinah
Hello small fries ! :D So very sorry I had to leave early just now but really, you all did well though. Farhana's update tells so. If there is a meet-up today, I won't be able to make it cause I'll be visiting my relative who's hospitalized recently. I will be available on friday however.
update ; vikki
23rd June update :
Today's work
- Filled up control set up with 150ml each of potassium, nitrate and phosphate as the water was running out.
- Measured the length of new section and number of shoots for each plant set up.
- We need to make more liquid fertiliser as its running out.
Plant [a] - Control setup with all 3 fertilisers. Length of new section -> 3.5cm Number of shoots -> 4 *one shoot died.
- Plant [d] - Nitrate + Potassium
Length of new section -> 1cm Number of shoots -> 6
- Plant [v] - Nitrate + Phosphate
Length of new section -> 3.5cm Number of shoots -> 8 *one shoot died
- Plant [f] - Potassium + Phosphate
Length of new section -> 3.3cm Number of shoots -> 6 *one shoot died
- Plant [s] - Control setup with no fertiliser
Length of new section -> 3cm No of shoots -> 9
Signing off, Vikki
NEWS FLASH ; farhana
Hey guys!
I've got bad news! The lab would only be available for us until 26th ! So we'll have to make our conclusion by then.
The lab's not opened on 24th. But it'll be open 25th from 9am to 11.30am. We have to meet ASAP! But I have training during that time. So how!?
We are Doomed right? Well but we've done enough observations already.
WE HAVE TO MEET UP, real soon.
update ; alin & farhana
Here are how the plants are doing. 19June2009
Plant A [control]
Length of new section --> 5.50cm [grew 1.50cm] Number of new shoot --> 4
Growth : 1.50cm
Plant D
Length of the new section --> 4.60cm Number of new shoots --> 3
Growth : -
Plant V
Length of the new section --> 4.50cm Number of new shoots --> 5
Growth : -
Plant F
Length of the new section --> 4.90cm Number of new shoots --> 4
Growth : -
Plant S
Length of the new section --> 2.00cm Number of new shoots --> 6
Growth : -
Conclusion of THE DAY:
Plant A is growing the most.
22nd June 2009
We started a new week and took measurements of other shoots this week. We would change every week.
 Small Fries [a], containing all 3 fertilizers. Length of new section ---> 2.5cm Number of new shoots ---> 4 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 1cm  Small Fries [d], containing Nitrate and Potassium only. Length of the new section ---> 1.4cm Number of new shoots ---> 5 Length of the youngest shoot --->0.6cm
Small Fries [v], containing Nitrate and Phosphate only. Length of the new section ---> 3.2cm Number of new shoots ---> 9 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.5cm (There is some green stuff at the side of the water.)
Small Fries [f], containing Phosphate and Potassium only. Length of the new section ---> 2.8cm Number of new shoots ---> 5 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.9cm
Small Fries [s], containing water only. Length of the new section ---> 1.6cm Number of new shoots ---> 8 Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.4cm conclusion of THE DAAAAY: Small Fries [v] grew the most.
A L I N & F A R H A N a
update ; Farhana
Lately SmallFries have been really busy. My phone is spoilt and I can't upload pictures but I'll just update first, pictures later.
15TH JUNE 2009
After much thinking, Smallfries decided we would be efficient by counting the amount of new shoots, taking down the length of one new shoot each week and measure the length of the new section. What is a new section? A new section is like a stem but it would end up growing into a new shoot. That way, it would be easier for us to make our conclusion.
Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)
-Added 150ml of Nitrate & Potassium each for the plant
Height of youngest Shoot : 2.2cm Length of new section (if any) : 1.7cm. New Shoot(s) : 3.
Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!) - Added 150 ml of Nitrate & Phosphate each for the plant
Height Of Youngest Shoot: 2cm Length of new section (if any) : 7mm New shoot(s): 4 [ One more coming soon! There is actually another new shoot but it is dead due to damage while plantation]
Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!) -Added 150ml Potassium & Phosphate each for the plant
Height of youngest shoot: 3.3cm Length of new section (if any) : 5mm New shoots: 2 [ One more coming soon! There is actually another shoot but it's dead due to damage]
Container S ( Water Only! No Fertilisers!) -Added 150ml of Water
Height of Youngest Shoot: 1.5cm Length of new section (if any) : 2.9cm New Shoots : 5
Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!) -Did not top up.
Height of youngest shoot: 1cm Length of new section (if any) : - New Shoots: 3
We continued with our project.
Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.6cm [ grew 4mm! ] Presence of a new section(if any) : 3.2cm [ grew 15mm! ] New shoots: 3
Growth > 19mm
Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.4cm [ grew 4mm! ] Length of new section(if any) : 1.6cm [ grew 9mm! ] New Shoots : 5 [ additional one more ! ]
Growth > 13mm + new shoot
Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 4.4cm [ grew 11mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : 1.6cm [ grew 11mm! ] New Shoots : 3 [ Additional 1 more! ]
Growth > 22mm + new shoot
Container S ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 1.7cm [ grew 2mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : 3.9cm [ grew 10mm] New Shoots: 5
Growth > 12mm
Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 1.3cm [grew 3mm] Length of new section (if any) : - New Shoots: 3
Growth > 3mm
Conclusion of the day : F grew the most while A grew the least.
Arrangement from fastest growing to slowest : A,S,V,D,F! [ A & S not really important ]
THUS , Potassium slows down the rate of growth, Phosphate increases growth of plants like Nitrate but Nitrate increases the growth even more.
18THJUNE2009 Smallfries resumed project.
Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 3.6cm [ grew 10mm! ] Presence of a new section(if any) : 4.6cm [ grew 14mm! ] New shoots: 3 (2 more coming soon!)
Growth > 24mm
Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 3.4cm [ grew 10mm! ] Length of new section(if any) : 4.5cm [ grew 29mm! ] New Shoots : 5 [ 2 more coming ! ]
Growth > 39mm
Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!)
Height of youngest shoot: 4.6cm [ grew 2mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : 4.9cm [ grew 33mm! ] New Shoots : 4 [ Additional 1 more! ]
Growth > 35mm + new shoot
Container S ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.5cm [ grew 8mm! ] Length of new section (if any) : Previous Section has grown into a new shoot & there is a new one that is 2cm long. New Shoots: 6 [ additional 1 more! ]
Growth > 8mm + new shoot + new section
Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
Height of youngest shoot: 2.6cm [grew 13mm] Length of new section (if any) : 4cm New Shoots: 4 [additional 1 more! ] Growth > 17mm + new shoot
Conclusion of the day : F & V grew at about the same rate while S grew the least.
Arrangement from fastest growing to slowest :S, A, D, F, V [ A & S not really important ]
THUS : Phosphate slows down the rate of growing, Nitrate increases the rate of growing but Potassium increases the growth rate even more.
update ; alin
Sorry for the very very very late update again. I'll update on last Thursday.
Plant [a] which is the control (n + k + p) on the left. Plant [d] which is (n + k) on tht right.  Plant [v] which is (n + p) on the left. Plant [f] which is (k + p) on the left. Photo of control (water).
Proposal Form ( New ; Final) by Farhana
Lower Secondary Science Research Project Proposal Form
Group Name ; Small Fries Class ; 1 B! Name Of Group Members ;
- Farhana
- Dinah
- 'Alinurbi
- Vikki
Project Title ; Chemistry Problem Question ; How Do Different Fertilizers Affect The Way Plants Grow? Hypothesis ; Potassium Would Increase The Plant's Growth Rate As Compared To Other Fertilizers. Web-Address ( Url ) Of Project Blog: www.smallfrieseatingplants.blogspot.com Expect Date Of Reasearch Completion: ___________________. Project Mentor : Mr. Kwok
Apparatus & Meterials Needed ;
- 5 Water Plants
- 5 Containers
- Equal amount of water
- 150 ml of Nitrogen [n]
- 150 ml of Phosphate [p]
- 150 ml of Potassium [k]
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Electronic Balance
- Three 1.5 litre bottles
- Two droppers
- Measuring Cylinder
- Beaker
- Hankerchief
Experimental Proedure Setup ;
- Fill 1 litre of water into three 1.5 litre bottle respectively.
- Get a Electronic Balance and put 1gram of Nitrate into a beaker with the magnet inside.
- Add 1 litre of water into the beaker from the 3 bottles.
- Put the beaker on the Magnetic Stirrer and let it do it's job. [ Stop when the fertilizer dissolves into the water.
- Pour the solution back into the bottle.
- Repeat steps 2 to 5 for the other 2 fertilizers.
- Get 5 water plants which has small ones growing.
- Put them into 5 different containers of the same size.
- Label the containers & bottles. Label 1 - 5 for the Containers & for the bottles, label the Fertilizer that is in it.
- Pour fertilizers this way: Container 1 - 150 ml of [n] & 150ml of [k] , Container 2 - 150ml of [n] & 150ml of [p], Container 3 - 150 ml of [k] & 150 ml of [p], Container 4 - 150 ml of [n] , 150 ml of [p] & 150 ml of [k] & Container 5 - No Fertiliers, just 300 ml of water.
- Leave the plants somewhere where there's sunlight.
- Observe for 4 weeks & Record Observation
Changed Variable - Type of Fertilizers Dependant Vairable - The growth of the young plants. Controlled Variable ( Constants ) - Amount of fertilizers, Amount of water, Location, Type of plants, Containers.
notice ; dinah
Hello small fries ! :D So very sorry I had to leave early just now but really, you all did well though. Farhana's update tells so. If there is a meet-up today, I won't be able to make it cause I'll be visiting my relative who's hospitalized recently. I will be available on friday however.
do leave us some comments :D
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By post:
update ; vikki
NEWS FLASH ; farhana
update ; alin & farhana
update ; Farhana
update ; alin
Proposal Form ( New ; Final) by Farhana
notice ; dinah
Farhana ; Update [ 10 th June 2009 ]
farhana ; update
update ; alin
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June 2009
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Layout: Mary
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We are the Small Fries!
Project Title : How do different fertilizers affect the way plants grow?
 Adopted Trees.