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update ; alin & farhana

Here are how the plants are doing.

Plant A [control]

Length of new section --> 5.50cm [grew 1.50cm]
Number of new shoot --> 4

Growth : 1.50cm

Plant D

Length of the new section --> 4.60cm
Number of new shoots --> 3

Growth : -

Plant V

Length of the new section --> 4.50cm
Number of new shoots --> 5

Growth : -

Plant F

Length of the new section --> 4.90cm
Number of new shoots --> 4

Growth : -

Plant S

Length of the new section --> 2.00cm
Number of new shoots --> 6

Growth : -

Conclusion of THE DAY:

Plant A is growing the most.

22nd June 2009

We started a new week and took measurements of other shoots this week. We would change every week.

Small Fries [a], containing all 3 fertilizers.
Length of new section ---> 2.5cm
Number of new shoots ---> 4
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 1cm

Small Fries [d], containing Nitrate and Potassium only.
Length of the new section ---> 1.4cm
Number of new shoots ---> 5
Length of the youngest shoot --->0.6cm

Small Fries [v], containing Nitrate and Phosphate only.
Length of the new section ---> 3.2cm
Number of new shoots ---> 9
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.5cm
(There is some green stuff at the side of the water.)

Small Fries [f], containing Phosphate and Potassium only.
Length of the new section ---> 2.8cm
Number of new shoots ---> 5
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.9cm

Small Fries [s], containing water only.
Length of the new section ---> 1.6cm
Number of new shoots ---> 8
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.4cm
conclusion of THE DAAAAY:
Small Fries [v] grew the most.
A L I N & F A R H A N a