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update ; vikki

23rd June update :

Today's work
  • Filled up control set up with 150ml each of potassium, nitrate and phosphate as the water was running out.
  • Measured the length of new section and number of shoots for each plant set up.
  • We need to make more liquid fertiliser as its running out.

    Plant [a] - Control setup with all 3 fertilisers.
    Length of new section -> 3.5cm
    Number of shoots -> 4 *one shoot died.
  • Plant [d] - Nitrate + Potassium
    Length of new section -> 1cm
    Number of shoots -> 6
  • Plant [v] - Nitrate + Phosphate
    Length of new section -> 3.5cm
    Number of shoots -> 8 *one shoot died

  • Plant [f] - Potassium + Phosphate
    Length of new section -> 3.3cm
    Number of shoots -> 6 *one shoot died

  • Plant [s] - Control setup with no fertiliser
    Length of new section -> 3cm
    No of shoots -> 9

Signing off,

NEWS FLASH ; farhana

Hey guys!

I've got bad news!
The lab would only be available for us until 26th !
So we'll have to make our conclusion by then.

The lab's not opened on 24th.
But it'll be open 25th from 9am to 11.30am.
We have to meet ASAP!
But I have training during that time.
So how!?

We are Doomed right?
Well but we've done enough observations already.

WE HAVE TO MEET UP, real soon.


update ; alin & farhana

Here are how the plants are doing.

Plant A [control]

Length of new section --> 5.50cm [grew 1.50cm]
Number of new shoot --> 4

Growth : 1.50cm

Plant D

Length of the new section --> 4.60cm
Number of new shoots --> 3

Growth : -

Plant V

Length of the new section --> 4.50cm
Number of new shoots --> 5

Growth : -

Plant F

Length of the new section --> 4.90cm
Number of new shoots --> 4

Growth : -

Plant S

Length of the new section --> 2.00cm
Number of new shoots --> 6

Growth : -

Conclusion of THE DAY:

Plant A is growing the most.

22nd June 2009

We started a new week and took measurements of other shoots this week. We would change every week.

Small Fries [a], containing all 3 fertilizers.
Length of new section ---> 2.5cm
Number of new shoots ---> 4
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 1cm

Small Fries [d], containing Nitrate and Potassium only.
Length of the new section ---> 1.4cm
Number of new shoots ---> 5
Length of the youngest shoot --->0.6cm

Small Fries [v], containing Nitrate and Phosphate only.
Length of the new section ---> 3.2cm
Number of new shoots ---> 9
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.5cm
(There is some green stuff at the side of the water.)

Small Fries [f], containing Phosphate and Potassium only.
Length of the new section ---> 2.8cm
Number of new shoots ---> 5
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.9cm

Small Fries [s], containing water only.
Length of the new section ---> 1.6cm
Number of new shoots ---> 8
Length of the youngest shoot ---> 0.4cm
conclusion of THE DAAAAY:
Small Fries [v] grew the most.
A L I N & F A R H A N a

update ; Farhana


Lately SmallFries have been really busy.
My phone is spoilt and I can't upload pictures but I'll just update first, pictures later.

15TH JUNE 2009

After much thinking, Smallfries decided we would be efficient by counting the amount of new shoots, taking down the length of one new shoot each week and measure the length of the new section. What is a new section? A new section is like a stem but it would end up growing into a new shoot. That way, it would be easier for us to make our conclusion.

Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)

-Added 150ml of Nitrate & Potassium each for the plant

Height of youngest Shoot : 2.2cm
Length of new section (if any) : 1.7cm.
New Shoot(s) : 3.

Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!)
- Added 150 ml of Nitrate & Phosphate each for the plant

Height Of Youngest Shoot: 2cm
Length of new section (if any) : 7mm
New shoot(s): 4 [ One more coming soon! There is actually another new shoot but it is dead due to damage while plantation]

Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!)
-Added 150ml Potassium & Phosphate each for the plant

Height of youngest shoot: 3.3cm
Length of new section (if any) : 5mm
New shoots: 2 [ One more coming soon! There is actually another shoot but it's dead due to damage]

Container S ( Water Only! No Fertilisers!)
-Added 150ml of Water

Height of Youngest Shoot: 1.5cm
Length of new section (if any) : 2.9cm
New Shoots : 5

Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)
-Did not top up.

Height of youngest shoot: 1cm
Length of new section (if any) : -
New Shoots: 3


We continued with our project.

Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)

Height of youngest shoot: 2.6cm [ grew 4mm! ]
Presence of a new section(if any) : 3.2cm [ grew 15mm! ]
New shoots: 3

Growth > 19mm

Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!)

Height of youngest shoot: 2.4cm [ grew 4mm! ]
Length of new section(if any) : 1.6cm [ grew 9mm! ]
New Shoots : 5 [ additional one more ! ]

Growth > 13mm + new shoot

Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!)

Height of youngest shoot: 4.4cm [ grew 11mm! ]
Length of new section (if any) : 1.6cm [ grew 11mm! ]
New Shoots : 3 [ Additional 1 more! ]

Growth > 22mm + new shoot

Container S ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)

Height of youngest shoot: 1.7cm [ grew 2mm! ]
Length of new section (if any) : 3.9cm [ grew 10mm]
New Shoots: 5

Growth > 12mm

Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)

Height of youngest shoot: 1.3cm [grew 3mm]
Length of new section (if any) : -
New Shoots: 3

Growth > 3mm

Conclusion of the day : F grew the most while A grew the least.

Arrangement from fastest growing to slowest : A,S,V,D,F! [ A & S not really important ]

THUS , Potassium slows down the rate of growth, Phosphate increases growth of plants like Nitrate but Nitrate increases the growth even more.


Smallfries resumed project.
Container D (Nitrate & Potassium Only!)

Height of youngest shoot: 3.6cm [ grew 10mm! ]
Presence of a new section(if any) : 4.6cm [ grew 14mm! ]
New shoots: 3 (2 more coming soon!)

Growth > 24mm

Container V (Nitrate & Phosphate Only!)

Height of youngest shoot: 3.4cm [ grew 10mm! ]
Length of new section(if any) : 4.5cm [ grew 29mm! ]
New Shoots : 5 [ 2 more coming ! ]

Growth > 39mm

Container F (Potassium & Phosphate Only!)

Height of youngest shoot: 4.6cm [ grew 2mm! ]
Length of new section (if any) : 4.9cm [ grew 33mm! ]
New Shoots : 4 [ Additional 1 more! ]

Growth > 35mm + new shoot

Container S ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)

Height of youngest shoot: 2.5cm [ grew 8mm! ]
Length of new section (if any) : Previous Section has grown into a new shoot & there is a new one that is 2cm long.
New Shoots: 6 [ additional 1 more! ]

Growth > 8mm + new shoot + new section

Container A ( With All 3 Fertilisers! Nitrate, Phosphate & Potassium!)

Height of youngest shoot: 2.6cm [grew 13mm]
Length of new section (if any) : 4cm
New Shoots: 4 [additional 1 more! ]

Growth > 17mm + new shoot
Conclusion of the day : F & V grew at about the same rate while S grew the least.

Arrangement from fastest growing to slowest :S, A, D, F, V [ A & S not really important ]

THUS : Phosphate slows down the rate of growing, Nitrate increases the rate of growing but Potassium increases the growth rate even more.

update ; alin

Sorry for the very very very late update again. I'll update on last Thursday.

Plant [a] which is the control (n + k + p) on the left.
Plant [d] which is (n + k) on tht right.

Plant [v] which is (n + p) on the left.
Plant [f] which is (k + p) on the left.

Photo of control (water).


Proposal Form ( New ; Final) by Farhana

Lower Secondary Science Research Project
Proposal Form

Group Name ; Small Fries
Class ; 1 B!
Name Of Group Members ;
  • Farhana
  • Dinah
  • 'Alinurbi
  • Vikki
Project Title ; Chemistry
Problem Question ; How Do Different Fertilizers Affect The Way Plants Grow?
Hypothesis ; Potassium Would Increase The Plant's Growth Rate As Compared To Other Fertilizers.
Web-Address ( Url ) Of Project Blog: www.smallfrieseatingplants.blogspot.com
Expect Date Of Reasearch Completion: ___________________.
Project Mentor : Mr. Kwok

Apparatus & Meterials Needed ;
  • 5 Water Plants
  • 5 Containers
  • Equal amount of water
  • 150 ml of Nitrogen [n]
  • 150 ml of Phosphate [p]
  • 150 ml of Potassium [k]
  • Magnetic Stirrer
  • Electronic Balance
  • Three 1.5 litre bottles
  • Two droppers
  • Measuring Cylinder
  • Beaker
  • Hankerchief
Experimental Proedure Setup ;
  1. Fill 1 litre of water into three 1.5 litre bottle respectively.
  2. Get a Electronic Balance and put 1gram of Nitrate into a beaker with the magnet inside.
  3. Add 1 litre of water into the beaker from the 3 bottles.
  4. Put the beaker on the Magnetic Stirrer and let it do it's job. [ Stop when the fertilizer dissolves into the water.
  5. Pour the solution back into the bottle.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for the other 2 fertilizers.
  7. Get 5 water plants which has small ones growing.
  8. Put them into 5 different containers of the same size.
  9. Label the containers & bottles. Label 1 - 5 for the Containers & for the bottles, label the Fertilizer that is in it.
  10. Pour fertilizers this way: Container 1 - 150 ml of [n] & 150ml of [k] , Container 2 - 150ml of [n] & 150ml of [p], Container 3 - 150 ml of [k] & 150 ml of [p], Container 4 - 150 ml of [n] , 150 ml of [p] & 150 ml of [k] & Container 5 - No Fertiliers, just 300 ml of water.
  11. Leave the plants somewhere where there's sunlight.
  12. Observe for 4 weeks & Record Observation

Changed Variable - Type of Fertilizers
Dependant Vairable - The growth of the young plants.
Controlled Variable ( Constants ) - Amount of fertilizers, Amount of water, Location, Type of plants, Containers.

notice ; dinah

Hello small fries ! :D
So very sorry I had to leave early just now but really, you all did well though. Farhana's update tells so. If there is a meet-up today, I won't be able to make it cause I'll be visiting my relative who's hospitalized recently. I will be available on friday however.

Farhana ; Update [ 10 th June 2009 ]

Hello! I am here to update you guys on what the Small Fries has been up to today!

We've finally started on our project! Even though it might be a little late, I still think it's alright. We could learn from mistakes the other groups has done and we can avoid it, that way we would not waste too much time.

The Small Fries gathered together again ever since the June holidays this morning! At first, there was practically nothing for us to do. Fortunately, Mr Goh turned up just in time to explain to us about the needs of plants etc. His help came in very handy for us! With the knowledge we got from him, we were ready and clear of what we had to do.

The small fries discussed about how to go about things since there are some changes to be made.
  • Firstly, we had decided on putting 2 fertilizers to one plant
  • Our plant died AGAIN so we had to decide on getting a new one but the question was, which plant was the most durable?
  • We had to use 1g of the 'fertilizers' and not the 30ml we decided on. The 'fertilizers' would then be mixed with 1 litre of water.
We decided to start on the water for our solution & at the same time, Mr Goh helped us in get a new set of plants.

After all of that done, we were still a long way from the time the laboratory would open and we were starving. Actually just Dinah and Vikki, so we headed to Causeway Point for lunch. By the time we were back to school, it was just nice because, the laboratory just opened.

When we reached the laboratory, we were all set to go! The lady there helped us in the dilution of the fertilizers and stuff.
First we used the Electronic Balance to measure 1g of each fertilizer.
  • Nitrogen [n]
  • Phosphate [p]
  • Potassium [k]

After that, the lady introduced to us this thing called Magnetic Stirrer. It helps to stir the fertilizer and combine with the water & after that we pour the solution back into the bottle.

After that we started to put our fertilizers into the containers.
Here is our solution:
  • Container A which is the with all 3 fertilizers. [ 150ml of Nitrogen, 150ml of Phosphate, 150ml of Potassium]
  • Container D with 2 fertilizers only. [ 150ml of Nitrate, 150ml of Potassium ]
  • Container F with 2 fertilizers also. [ 150ml of Potassium, 150ml of Phosphate ]
  • Container V with 2 fertilizers. [ 150ml of Nitrate and 150ml of Phosphate ]
  • Container ? with no fertilizers, just water.

We shifted from the Biology Lab and back to Mr Kwok's home room since there's much sunlight. Overall, today was great! The new Proposal form will be posted tomorrow.


farhana ; update


Today the small fries are going to meet up and yes, we're finally starting after all the challenges we've faced. We'll update this blog later after we check out our plants.

Oh yes, regarding Alin's post, I'll need to explain something just in case in confuses any of the readers. Our group has decided that each of the member would be in-charge of a plant, that way we all have something to do. Since we've decided on that, EVERY MEMBER IS IMPORTANT. We thought it would be easier that each of us concentrates on our assigned plants so as to avoid confusion. Since there's 4 members and 4 plants, it makes things easier.

So plant [a] is 'Alinurbi's.
Plant [d] is Dinah's.
Plant [f] is mine, Farhana's
& last but not least plant [v] is Vikki's.


update ; alin

I'm really soooorry for the late update. Here are the observations.

Plant [f].

Plant [a].

These are the plants that were put closest to window and could receive effecient amount of sunlight.

Observations on Plant [a] and [f] :
- Both plants are quite in a good condition.
- Water is quite clean.

Plants [d] and [v] respectively.

This was how Plants [d] and [v] were arranged. The results of where Plants [d] and [v] were put are..

Here! It is definitely in a bad condition than Plants [a] and [f].
This is Plant [d] by the way. It was put the FURTHEST from the window among all of the plants.

Plant [v]. It is not as bad as Plant [d] as it was put by the window BUT covered a little bit by the curtains.
Observations on Plant [d] and [v] :
- The water in the containers were dirtier and filthier.
- The plants did not have a good colour.
- Plant [d] was in the WORST condition as it did not receive enough sunlight.
Since all of the plants were dead, we got new plants.
Now, all that is left to do is to make the CHEMICAL fertilizers.
There are three types of chemical fertilizers and they are :
- Nitrogen (n)
- Potassium (k)
- Phosphate (p)
These 3 chemicals are called 'salt' in chemistry. According to Mr Goh, in chemistry, chemicals like the above are called 'salt'.
The things that will be given to us are :
1. Nitrogen > ammonium nitrate
2. Potassium > potassium chloride
3. Phosphate > sodium phosphate
We will be given 1g of each (1, 2 and 3). We need to dissolve 1g of each salt in 1litre of water. And there you go! The fertilizers. These types of fertilizer are called IN-ORGANIC fertilizers.
There is still something we need to decide on. We will discuss this tomorrow. I guess that's all.
Oh! We will need 1litre bottles. Only 3 of them.

Update ; Farhana

I am sorry but I can't go out of my home. Dinah is going to print the Proposal Form but if I am not wrong, I actually saved the Proposal Form in my work space at school. So hmmm... Well, anyways I think if we were to explain to Mr Goh that we just printed a new one out and I blablabla to him, he would understand and let us continue with just the proposal form and without Mr Kwok's signature, I hope. I am sorry guys. I'll TRY to get well as soon as possible.

By the way, our plants are DEAD. So our group's solution is to get new ones. We've decided on the amount of fertilizers already. 'Alinurbi suggested 50ml or 30ml but I thought maybe 30ml would do the job because so far, I've been reading a lot on fertilizers and playing a lot of farm games in the internet [ which is ridiculous ] but it's just for the feel of farming, but anyways, we don't need to put A HUGE AMOUNT, but if we see the 30ml is not enough, or maybe too much, we could adjust.

Hope to hear from you guys soon;

regarding going to lab ; vikki

hey do note that we have to bring our PROPOSAL FORM if we wanna use the lab stuff !
farhana, are you holding on to the proposal form ? if so , youre the only one who can go to the lab now unless you pass the proposal form to any of us .
you can check at your elearn portal, mr kwok put up a notice.

"Secondary 1 Science Project Groups !!!!
Before you make an appointment and go to school to work on your project, make sure you bring down your SIGNED project proposal form. The lab technicians will request for this form with the approved teacher's signature. If you do not have this you will not be allowed to requisite any materials or apparatus from the school.If by any chance you have misplaced your proposal form or have made changes to your proposal, go to your group BLOG and print out the proposal from the website. I will post an approval comment for all groups so make sure you print it out as well. Submit this printout to the lab technicians."
-Mr Kwok

if its too inconvenient for you tho farhana, we can print out the proposal form and the approval comment in our TAGBOARD ? o.O
i dont know how to print the tagboard but anyway im sure theres a way if farhana cant make it .
what do you guys think ?


arrangement ; alin

Alin here. Okay.. I did not go to school just now. Sorry BUT I should be able to go tomorrow after training. I'll check on the plants, take photos of it or something like that. If there is anything else you want me to do tomorrow, please message me. Thank you!

arrangement ; alin

I was thinking maybe tomorrow. I don't have training so....
But according to the research Farhana had done, it said that the most effective time of spraying is in the morning or evening. The Physics lab, in the morning, is open from 9am to 11.30am. I'll try to go tomorrow. If you guys would like to check, here's the link for the "opening hours".



update ; vikki

hey guys ,
council camp has just ended so i think we can get started on doing more work.
sorry i haven't updated before , damn slack i know . :x


has any of you actually gone back to mr kwok's homeroom to check on the plants and water etc ?
if not it'd prob be dead by now .

can we arrange a time to go back like asap ? then we can take pics and record the plants' status.


Farhana ; Research

I did some research on the Liquid Fertilizers.

Here are some of its features :
  • It enhances crop resistance against both bacterial and fungal pathogens.
  • Helps to vitalize flowering and activating fruiting, while assuring less dropping.
  • It increases the rate of photosynthesis in the leaves and stimulates nutrient absorption by plant roots.
  • It increases marketable yield and quality.
  • Non-toxic and environmental friendly.
Notes to be taken :
  • Shake well before use
  • Do not spray under the hot sun
  • The effective time of spraying is in the morning or evening
  • Repeat application if it rains within 6 hours after spraying
  • For a bigger plant, increase dosage for maximum result/effect
The website i got the information from.

Forum Discussion ; Farhana

I have bad news. I am very sick. My temperature went up to 39.7 Degrees. I am not sure if I can make it for the meet ups. Maybe you guys carry out the experiment or discussions in your meet ups while I do the research and mail you guys? That way, all of us have something to do atleast.

Forum Discussion ; Alin

Alin here. According to some of our classmates, we are able to go to school and do our project whenever we like. When we are in school doing our project, we have to set another date to do the project. I was thinking we could go and work on our project this Saturday at around 10.45am. Vikki, Farhana and I would have ended our camp by that time. We can change the time and date if any of you think it is a little bit too early...

I think that we should, if we can, try to ask either one of them. Like what Farhana suggested. But this is going to be quite difficult as the three of us are going to be gone. I will try my best to think of the other alternatives. We can do it Small Fries!

Forum Discussion ; Farhana

Hello! I'm back again. Regarding Dinah's post, maybe we can consider by how green the plant becomes? Or how thick the stem or leave is? ( ha ha that was what i can recall from primary school. That was how we could determine the condition of a plant) If the plant is long and thin its unhealthy. But we're dealing with a water plant. I am not sure about the mass/weight.. Maybe we can meet Mrs Soong or Mr Kwok for help since we don't have their numbers?

Discussion Forum ; Dinah

Hey guys, my utmost concern is how we're going to determine the effects of different types of fertilizers on water plants. So in this case, it's stated that our hypothesis is basically potassium increases the plant growth rate as compared to the other fertilizers. Shall we measure the mass of the plants, perhaps using a beam balance, or do you have other alternatives in mind?

Update ; Farhana


The small fries are about to start on our science project ( the real thing) very soon.
We're slightly lacking behind but we'll catch up!

We're facing a problem because the sports school LMS website does not show the schedule of the person that will help us. We're also facing a difficulty about the amount of fertilizer our plants would need.